A good luck charm is a symbol, amulet or item that is said to bring fortune and prosperity to anyone who carries it. Any object can be used as a good luck charm if you strongly believe it will bless you with fortune like the Pixiu meaning fortune beas.
People have been using good luck charms for hundreds of years. Some ancient charms are still utilized today. Do you want a good luck charm? Then enjoy reading today’s article. We’ll be going through the top eight most popular good luck charms and their origins. You may find a charm on our list that resonates with you.
1. Four-Leaf Clover from The Irish
The four-leaf clover originates from ancient Irish folklore. Ancient Celtics believed that the four-leaf clover would open their eyes to the magical world so they could see fairies or pixies. These little sprites are said to bring bad luck so the four-leaf clover was used to ward off these tiny fairies and protect people from their mischief.
Ancient Irish people utilized four-leaf clover charms and symbols because it was thought to have mystical powers. The four-leaf clover also represents faith, love and of course luck. This green flower is said to bring an influx of riches and health.
What makes the four-leaf clover even more special is that it’s incredibly rare. There is only one out of 10,000 plants that carry the four-leafed clover.
2. Praying Mantis Good Luck Charm
A praying mantis good luck charm or even seeing the creature in your home is thought to lift negative energies and bless the person who sees it. This green insect represents peace and patience. People also believe that a praying mantis is a sign that angels are near to protect you.
The praying mantis is used to heighten one’s awareness. A charm or sighting of the praying mantis brings about tranquility and focus on what’s important in life. Some believe that when you wear a symbol of the praying mantis good luck charm you’re able to solve problems effectively and your goals become easier to achieve.
In ancient China and Japan, the praying mantis is admired for its graceful movements. The distinct movements and hunting methods that the praying mantis uses have inspired two Chinese martial arts styles.
The power of the mantis symbol can also be found in its name. The word mantis is derived from the Greek language and it means seer or prophet. It’s also a derivative of the word menos which translates to passion or spirit. That’s why a praying mantis is said to appear to people who have clairvoyant abilities.
3. Horseshoe Charms
The horseshoe is perhaps the most popular lucky charm and it’s found in many western homes. But it also derives from Egyptian iconography and Islamic art.
There are many legends behind the use of horseshoe charms. One legend goes that the luck of a horseshoe comes from the iron it’s made from. Fairies are creatures that are affected negatively by iron so they wouldn’t enter a house that had iron horseshoes in them.
People also argue about the proper way to hang a horseshoe. If it’s hung with the opening faced upwards it’s said to attract luck. But other people suggest that the horseshoe opening should point downwards and be placed above door frames so luck can pour over anyone who walks under it.
Sometimes, you see horseshoes as part of a family crest. In this context, they symbolize good fortune, protection, and military strength. A single horseshoe on a crest usually means the family had an equestrian or blacksmithing background. Three horseshoes indicate Scottish or English heraldry and often indicate something like resilience and good fortune. Usually, horseshoes with nails in them indicate a craft, while those with a cross add a faith element.
4. Lucky Number Seven
In creation stories, God made the universe in six days and rested on the seventh day. So scholars believe that the number seven represents wholeness and perfection. In Judaism, there are seven heavens. The Koran also speaks of seven heavens.
Seven is considered a magic number because you can find it in many natural forms. For example, the rainbow has seven colors. Some people say that you’re able to improve your memory by memorizing something at least seven times before going to bed.
Many people believe that living in a house that has a number seven on it will bring about an influx of fortune, health and happiness. So, you can see the use of this charm is quite diverse.
5. Dream Catcher Charms
A dream catcher is a Native American charm that’s made from horse hair, leather and beads. It comes from the Chippewa tribe and it was created to place above a person’s bed to ward off nightmares.
When the person sleeps the dream catcher captures all of his or her nightmares so that it doesn’t negatively affect the sleeper. Happy dreams are then free to flow through the person’s subconscious.
It’s said that when the sun rises all the nightmares caught in the web of the dream catcher dissolve because the darkness of them can’t survive during the day.
The Native Americans designed these dream catchers to protect their children. The charm is also an ode to an Ojibwa woman known as the Spider lady who was said to be the protector of children.
6. An Oriental Jin Chan
Jin Chan (golden toad) is a famous Feng Shui amulet in China. It’s said to bring about success and riches to anyone who has the Jin Chan in their home. The Chinese people believe that the Jin Chan appears during a full moon to rid you of misfortune and bring about happiness.
The legend goes that Liu Hai, an ancient Daoist encountered a fox that was in trouble. He wanted to save the fox by transforming it into a beautiful woman but before he could do that he had to become a God.
To achieve this Liu had to convince a frog to go into a well so that he could use its power to transform. The trick was successful and so the Jin Chan is said to be Liu Hai himself.
7. Evil Eyes to Ward Off Bad Luck
In ancient times giving someone a malevolent look was said to curse the person. Giving someone the evil eye was thought to bring them suffering, mental illness and damage to the body. The lucky charm that was said to shield one from these looks is called nazur.
The nazur also known as the evil eye charm takes many different designs. In some cultures, the nazur is in the shape of a hand with an eye integrated into its palm. But others are made from blue and white beads.
Most people make their own evil eye amulets out of glass beads and paint. It’s typically worn around the neck on a piece of lace or string.
8. Acorns from Viking Beliefs
An acorn is a symbol of the Norse God called Odin and it’s considered a sign of good luck and fortune. The acorn also signifies wisdom because Odin was said to have hung himself from an acorn tree to gain knowledge.
Ancient Norse people believed that acorns brought about protection so they would place them in their pockets and near windows to stay safe from lightning. Flashes of lightning was said to be created by the Norse thunder God called Thor. The acorns would shield people from Thor’s wrath during storms.