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Why People Won’t Ever Go Back To The Office En Masse

High-profile business leaders talk about how proud they are that their employees always come into the office. But if you look at the wider trends, that’s not what’s happening at all. The majority of people are actually abstaining from full-time in-person work and instead opting to do a lot of their tasks online. 

But why is this happening? What was it that caused this trend to accelerate after the pandemic? 

Well, in this post, we’re about to find out. This blog explores why workers aren’t going back to the office, and why even five years later, we’re still seeing trends in the opposite direction. 

Changing Employee Expectations

Perhaps the biggest reason for the failure to get workers back to the office is changing employee expectations. Working from home some of the time is now the new normal, and that’s the way many people want it to stay. 

Today’s workforce, unfortunately for employers, has new values and priorities compared to previous generations. No longer is it acceptable to wait around in the office all day long in an attempt to get ahead. Instead, people want more freedom. 

Technology Changes

Then, of course, there are the obvious technological changes that the Checkr report on hybrid work highlights. It shows that people can leverage advances in computing to work near popular business centers but without the same daily commitment to the office that characterized the 2010s. 

These changes are also accelerating. Remote and hybrid tools are becoming more powerful every year, with AI promising to send many of them into overdrive. 

Shift In Corporate Culture

At the same time as there has been a change in employee expectations, there’s also been a shift in corporate culture. Companies now recognize that it might be an advantage to keep workers at home since it lowers their rental costs and means they don’t have to take on as much risk. 

This perspective was slower to gain traction. However, many of the most successful brands of the 2010s adopted a hybrid working model even before it became mainstream. 

Access To More Talent

Then there’s the fact that companies can access a wider talent pool. It is more straightforward for them to attract the people they need without having to relocate. This is even more valuable for roles in specialized industries where only a few people in the world can fill a specific position. 

Environmental Impact

Green companies and eco-conscious employees are also celebrating the end of the office and trying to get more companies to hop on board. The benefits they see are simple: fewer people commuting means less carbon emissions. 

The environmental impact can vary considerably from one firm to another. But those located in cities seem to have the highest benefit from these arrangements. 


Finally, there is a strong productivity argument. People working from home tend to have fewer distractions and more reasons to focus on their work. Colleagues aren’t interrupting them all the time, allowing them to get on with their jobs.

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