LCAT photo.
LCAT passenger numbers fared well last year given continued concerns about COVID-19.
Director Shane Brunner says there were about 30,000 rides last year, tied for 2021.
LCAT now has two routes for Lyon County riders in addition to its routes in the city limits of Emporia. Transport director Janice Arb says the recent response from the greater county of Lyon has been surprising.
Regional demand has seen LCAT drivers take residents through eastern Kansas and into neighboring states such as Nebraska and Oklahoma. Arb says demand for the regional bus is ahead of pre-COVID numbers. Riders are advised to give two weeks notice to ensure buses and drivers are available.
Arb says demand for the Emporia Line bus is on the rise after COVID. Residents wishing to use the local demand bus are requested to give 24 hours notice.
For more information on LCAT, call 620-343-4207.