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Health & Fitness

5 Tips for Staying Healthy as You Age

Everywhere you look these days, you can find tips online for staying healthy as you age. There are also many for people in their prime, but that’s not what you need when you’re already getting older.

Whether it’s preventing age-related hearing loss, staying active and social, or preventing heart disease, there are many suggestions out there to help you stay healthy and active as you get older. You just have to know where to find them, and then follow them to success. 

  1. Schedule Regular Checkups

Many diseases and conditions can’t be seen in the early stages, that’s why it’s essential to keep up with regular checkups with your doctor. Scheduling an appointment with a home visit doctor in Washington can take the headaches out of getting preventative care. Physicians will come to your home or office and provide primary and urgent care services.

For example, osteoporosis is an arthritic condition that affects many people as they get older. Regular checkups can ensure the condition is caught early and that your treatment plan including physical therapy for osteoporosis can begin. 

The same holds for conditions and diseases such as cancer. The sooner you’re diagnosed, the better it is, and the better chance you have of recovery. 

  1. Stay Active

Staying active with a regular exercise routine lowers your risk of arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and many other conditions that can be age-related. 

Regular exercise keeps your bones strong and your mind sharp. Walking five hours a week has been known to increase mental clarity and help with staying active. 

Regular walks can also help battle the depression that some feel when getting older.

  1. Stay Connected

Staying socially connected as you get older is key to staying happy as well as healthy. Many seniors have reported that the older they get, the smaller their social circle becomes.

For many seniors, this means that soon they’re alone more than they’re having interactions with their family and peers. 

The cure for this is to get out and seek company. In today’s world, you’ll have to social distance, but there are many community centers, churches, and the like that have senior gatherings, so you can find friends to interact with.

Make sure that you keep in touch with your family as well, whether it’s via Zoom call or in person. Family is important, especially as you start to age. 

  1. Avoid Very Hot and Cold Weather

Extreme heat and cold are hard to deal with when you’re older. It’s dangerous because you can’t regulate your body temperature the way you could when you were younger. 

The first step to avoiding it being too hot or too cold is by having adequate heating and air in your home. 

Stay inside if the temperatures are too hot or cold. Drink plenty of water during heatwaves and stay inside cuddled up by the fire if the temperatures are frigid outside.

You can control the temperatures that you venture out in. If you’re having problems with your HVAC unit, make sure to get it inspected and fixed before the extreme temperatures kick in every season.  

  1. Skip the Processed Foods as Much as Possible

Nothing beats fresh food when it comes to getting the vitamins and nutrients you need to be healthy as you get older. 

Skip processed foods whenever possible, as they contain sodium and other fillers that could be hard for you to digest, resulting in you becoming ill. 

Stick to veggies, fruits, and the right kinds of proteins for the best results. 

Aging is a fact of life, but you don’t have to sit back and accept it gracefully. Instead, follow the tips above to ensure you’re healthy and happy for many years to come. From regular checkups to socializing, a lot can be done to ensure your old age is a golden one. 

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