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Health & Fitness

How Much CBD Should I Take? The Ultimate Guide

The rise in the popularity of the use of CBD has led to many wondering the best methods and dosages to take the supplement. But taking CBD comes down to more than a single recommended dosage because people use it for a variety of different reasons. Whether that be anxiety or for daily wellness, each has a different recommended dosage.

Here is how much CBD you should be taking depending on why you’re taking it.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD, scientifically known as cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid that exists in both the hemp and cannabis plant. This cannabinoid component is one of the thousands of cannabinoids that are found within these plants but has shown the most potential for being helpful.

The reason CBD has been singled out is because of the potential role it has in activating our endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is a new system that was only discovered in the 1990s. The role of the system is to help with the regulation of everything from mood, to sleep, to immune system functions.

Typically, it is thought that CBD works well with other cannabinoids like THC or CBN to help activate the endocannabinoid system effectively. This leads to the thought process known as the entourage effect. Though there are still more studies needed to back up this claim.

There are multiple ways to take CBD, with the most popular options being tinctures and pills. Tinctures are the bioavailable option of the methods to take CBD because of their ability to be held under the tongue and absorb faster into the bloodstream. The body has the chance of breaking down the CBD and eliminating it in the stomach, which is why tinctures are preferred.

CBD for Anxiety

CBD has been shown to be useful in helping reduce the feeling of being anxious. Anxiousness is a broad term that can relate to everything from stage freight to general anxiety about everyday life. Because of this reason, people take it more sporadically and as needed, rather than an everyday supplement.

To determine how much CBD you should be taking, you should consider the severity of the anxiety and then your body weight. The more someone weighs, the more the body needs to start seeing noticeable effects. For that reason, CBD dosages for anxiety will range anywhere from 15 milligrams up to 50 milligrams.

Since CBD can help ease anxiety, you’ll want to pick up the best one possible. Click the link to learn more about the best CBDs for anxiety. 

CBD for Sleep

The CBD dosage for sleep can vary as well. There are multiple reasons as to why you might not be sleeping and supplements like CBD may not be as helpful as you think. But that doesn’t mean it might not help.

When taking CBD for sleep, most individuals take it for its benefits of helping people stay asleep, rather than fall asleep. This is thanks to the effects it has on our body’s ability to regulate specific neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. By having a regular neurotransmitter cycle, our body is able to achieve deeper levels of sleep and recover more effectively.

The average dosage of CBD for sleep will be around 35 to 50 milligrams, depending on body weight and cause of sleep disruption. For those that need help falling asleep, check out supplements that pair melatonin and CBD together for optimal results.

CBD for Inflammation

Arthritis affects over 54 million Americans each year. Arthritis is a disease that causes chronic inflammation, specifically of the joints. It can make doing even normal movements like walking or typing on the computer painful.

CBD has shown promising results when it comes to helping the body fight off inflammation. It supposedly helps by telling the body to produce more anti-inflammatory cells and then shuttle the pro-inflammatory cells out to be eliminated.

The only problem with inflammation is that it is everywhere in our body. Even if we don’t realize it, there are tiny amounts affecting everything from our blood vessels to our joints. This can make addressing inflammation difficult, as it can be hard to pinpoint the areas that are most affected.

For that reason, taking CBD for inflammation can really up the dosage. You’ll be looking at taking 50 to 150 milligrams of CBD for around two weeks before possibly seeing results.

CBD for Daily Wellness

The benefits of CBD extend beyond those that are taking it for one reason or another. Those that want to increase their daily wellness can also take CBD to help with a variety of different functions of life.

The first one would be pairing CBD with your morning to help with concentration throughout the day. The idea is that the caffeine from the coffee provides you with the energy and mental focus you need, while the CBD helps lift off those caffeine jitters that can sometimes make us anxious.

Another reason that someone would take CBD because they feel like it would be because CBD may play a role in the body’s ability to recover from intensive exercise. It does this in two ways.

The first would be by increasing the amount of deep sleep that you get. The deeper the sleep, the more time our body has to recover from the microtears that occur during exercise.

The other way is through the reduction of inflammation. By reducing inflammation in the affected areas, it allows the body to receive more nutrients that are needed to repair the body.

How Much CBD Should You Take? It Depends

At the end of the day, determining how much CBD to take will come down to why you’re using it and how your own body reacts to it. It could be age, height, or weight that play an impact. The goal is to experiment and find the right dosage that works for your body.

If you want to learn more about navigating this tricky terrain called life, be sure to check out the rest of our blog. If you know someone curious about taking CBD, be sure to share this article with them.

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