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The effort for applying seat belts begins

The Kansas Highway Patrol will join other Kansas law enforcement agencies in an effort to enforce seat belt laws in and around schools.

According to the agency, the Seatbelt Effort is for Everyone (SAFE) is a two-week seatbelt enforcement running Monday, February 20 through Friday, March 5.

SAFE is a locally supported program administered by the high school students they attend. The goal is to reduce deaths and injuries on Kansas roads. Currently in Kansas, 120 high schools participate in the SAFE program.

According to the 2019 Kansas Seat Belt Observational Survey, children are much more likely to be buckled in if the driver is wearing a seat belt. If the driver is buckled up, around 97% of children are restrained. If the driver is not buckled up, only about 30% of the children observed were buckled up.

“The KHP will work with local law enforcement partners in an aggressive education and enforcement campaign focused on the importance of seat belt use,” said Col. Herman T. Jones, superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol. “Seat belts have been proven to save lives and prevent injuries. Our goal is to make sure that all Kansas citizens buckle up in all seats.”

Soldiers will be very vigilant when patrolling schools. Law enforcement agencies will continue to educate drivers and passengers on the importance of wearing seat belts in their vehicles. We want adults to model good driving behaviors for children, and that starts with always remembering to buckle up.

For the latest data and to learn more about Kansas seat belt laws, visit www.ktsro.org.

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Photo by Alexandria Gilliott on Unsplash

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