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Wichita Falls Junior League – Food Fight

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) – The Junior League of Wichita Falls will host their annual Food Fight on Saturday, March 4.

Anndrea Harris of the league joined our midday show on February 21st to talk about the upcoming event.

Carney Porter: Today we have Anndrea Harris from the Junior League of Wichita Falls with us to tell us all about the upcoming food fight that will be held soon. Thanks so much for joining us.

Andrew Harris: Thanks for hosting me.

Carney Porter: So tell us a little about what the food fight is for those who may not be aware of it.

Andrew Harris: All right. Then the Wichita Falls Junior League did Food Fight. This is the eighth grade. And so typically what happens is we get with other junior leagues in Texas and Oklahoma and we sort of compete to see who can raise the most money for their local food bank. And so it will arrive here on March 4th. So we’re really excited about the opportunity, especially to be able to partner with another local nonprofit.

Carney Porter: That is great. Now, what are some of the foods that will be appropriate or approved for donation?

Andrew Harris: So generally, people like canned foods, like greens, whole grains, any type of pasta. Last year we drank quite a bit of bottled water.

Carney Porter: Oh, that’s cute. Yes.

Andrew Harris: Anything that doesn’t go bad quickly is always good. Cereal, different things like that.

Carney Porter: Don’t think about it – sometimes it’s weird. You don’t think about water, you think about all foods. So that would be good. As a gallon bottle or gallons or bottled water. This would be a good addition too. Yes.

Andrew Harris: I mean, in years past, we’ve had like pallets of like bottles of water that people have donated.

Carney Porter: Summer is coming, spring and summer. Those — warmer times are coming, they want that hydration.

Andrew Harris: And it’s easy to grab whenever you go shopping.

Carney Porter: Exactly. Is fantastic. And now how do you calculate the comp for the competition? Like, you know, when you go against everyone in Texas, how do you figure out those numbers?

Andrew Harris: So we do it in pounds. All right. Well, whenever they come to the event, we have a huge scale and people put their items on the scale and then you’ll be able to see at that moment how many kilos you have. And so also some of the local businesses and we have some schools that participate, they get really competitive and they just sit and wait to see if they’ve raised more.

Carney Porter: I don’t blame them at all. I would be too. And it’s happening. It’s March 4th. This is Saturday. It happens from eight to two in the afternoon on Market Street. All right.

Andrew Harris: You can just walk up and we can collect your car or we also have 100’s of different businesses locally that are drop off points too.

Carney Porter: Perfect. We will have all this information on our website if you are interested in being part of it. Thank you so much for joining you. We will be back soon.

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