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Topeka clinic is accepting volunteers for a study that could lead to a blood test for cancer

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – You could help find a better way to diagnose cancer early.

Cotton O’Neil Clinical Research is part of a study to see if the clues are in our blood.

The Alliance Multicancer Early Detection Biobank Study is trying to determine whether cancer occurs early in the blood. Dr Daulath Singh, an oncologist/hematologist at Cotton O’Neil Cancer Center in Topeka, said the study would use samples from people diagnosed with cancer and those who believe they are healthy.

“We compare blood samples between these different groups to look for any markers or signals that could indicate early signs of different cancers,” he said.

In Topeka, the study is looking for minority men and women between the ages of 40 and 75, who have never been treated for cancer, who have not had an organ transplant, and who are not currently pregnant.

They would draw blood, answer a few questions about their health and medical history, then follow up a year later for a health update and a possible second blood draw.

Dr. Singh says participants are not paid, but could play a key role one day by filling the gap in cancer research when they are most treatable.

“Essentially we have general population screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer, but there are many other cancers that we don’t have screening for, such as stomach cancer, head and neck, endometrial cancer – and when most of these cancers are diagnosed, they are mostly in their advanced stages and patients have symptoms,” she said.

If you are interested in learning about the study, please contact the research coordinator at 785-270-4963.

The trial is in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute.

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